Fitness Friday 1/26/18 ~ a quick at home workout!

Happy Friday friends!! We made it to the weekend (insert happy dance). Fitness Friday is part of my blog series~ for each day of the week I have a cheesy and catchy name, (so you are welcome in advance 🙂   See here for my post about my daily blog goals. Today I am bringing you a fun workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home!! My friend and I did this workout not too long ago & I assure you it is a GREAT one!! Also to help keep me accountable, and maybe someone else might find it helpful- I will go through each of my fitness goals and see how I am doing!

Sticking to fitness goals can be tricky & like any goals I have to figure out how to make it a priority. However this works best will be different for everyone, but for me I write in my calendar. Then it actually has a slot notched out for it.

My Fitness goals for the year are:

So how am I doing this week?
  1. 1/2 marathon training~ I found a 12 week program from click here to see it. With a name like peanut butter runner, I am pretty sure you can’t go wrong 🙂 Since 12 weeks from my race isn’t until Feb 11th, I have not officially started training yet, but I am trying to run 3 times a week to get in the habit.
  2. Improve gymnastics movements- I need to intentionally set time for this… my plan is to do that this weekend. I will have to update you next week if it happened or not 🙂
  3. Work out at least 5 days a week
    1. Saturday- At home work with a friend
    2. Sunday~ Run
    3. Monday~ SNOW day!! I did a work out at home: 10 rounds of 10 air squats & 10 pushups & I shoveled the driveway(that counts for something right- it was a struggle)
    4. Tuesday~ Work out at Crossfit
    5. Wednesday~ Work out at Crossfit
    6. Thursday ~ Run
    7. Friday~ Work out at Crossfit
  4. Yoga once a week- failed at this one!
  5. Run 3 times a week- I ran 2 times this week

Thanks for stopping by! What are your fitness goals for this year? Just take one day at a time!

Faith ♥

****Any thing I talk about regarding fitness,   comes from my own personal experience, please consult with a doctor or professional before starting an exercise routine!

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!


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