Fitness Friday~ 2/23/18

Happy Fitness Friday! Hopefully your week has been great! Above is a fun workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home 🙂 My half marathon training started last week and so far it’s going really good! This is the first time that I have trained for the half marathon since I started Crossfit. Even though Crossfit doesn’t have a lot of running in it, it trains you to keep doing something even though it sucks. Running is the same way~ so I am excited to see if I am able to get a PR for the half!  Below you will find my workouts for the week & Click here to see my blog post about my personal weekly Fitness goals. 


3 rounds:

  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 25 Air squats or jump squats if you’re feeling ambitious
  • 15 Push-ups
  • 10 Burpees

Mountain Climbers

Jump squat


Then Abs~ 3 rounds:

  • 25 Situps
  • 30 second Plank
  • 50 Bicycles

Plank hold


200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)


Run 3 miles


Crossfit Lincoln Workout of the Day (WOD)

Definitions and helpful tips to “what the heck does that mean?”

  • EMOM= Every Minute On the Minute (the movement starts at the start of each minute)
  • TNG= Touch N Go (do each movement without resting- so in this case it is 2 in a row without a rest)
  • 2RM- 2 Rep Max (as heavy as you can SAFELY do twice)
  • AMRAP= As Many Reps AS Possible
  • The different weights listed below refer to scaling options with men’s weights on top and women’s on bottom. So the 225/185 would be doing the workout as “prescribed” 225# for men and 185# for women.

Strength.(I did 185#)
EMOM x 5
2 TNG Deadlifts – 85% of 2RM from last week

Conditioning.(I got 6 full rounds and got the 5 Deadlifts & 6 of the box jumps into the 7th round. I used 135# and did step ups instead of box jumps)
5 Deadlift 275/185 – 225/155 – 185/115
10 Box Jumps 24/20″
15 Wallballs 20/14 – 14/10

200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)


Ran 2 miles~had to go indoors which equaled 28 laps around the track. But it was only like 10 degrees and icy, so it was a better option 😉

Ab work~ 3 rounds:

  • 25 Sit-ups
  • 30 second Plank
  • 30 Russian Twists with a 12# medicine ball

200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)


Crossfit Lincoln WOD (Workout of the Day)

Definitions and helpful tips to “what the heck does that mean?”

  • AMRAP6= As Many Reps AS Possible in 6 minutes
  • The different weights listed below refer to scaling options with men’s weights on top and women’s on bottom. So the 135/95 would be doing the workout as “prescribed” 135# for men and 95# for women.


Conditioning. (I used 55# and in the first section got to 3 Toes To Bar and in the second section I got through 6 rounds and through the 7th round of pullups and 2 of the lunges)
Row 750m/600m (750 meters on the rower for men and 600 meters on the rower for women)
30 Overhead Squats 135/95 – 105/75 – 85/55 Click here to see an Overhead Squat
Max Toes to Bar in remaining time Click here to see Toes To Bar

Rest 3:00

6 Chest-to-bar Pullups (I did pullups) Click here to see a Chest to Bar 
12 Front Rack Reverse Lunges, 135/95- 105/75 – 85/55 Click here to see a front rack reverse lunge

200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)


Run 2 miles~ I did something a little different and went out on the trail. We had quite a bit of snow overnight and it was beautiful! I actually saw a fox during my run which was amazing and terrifying at the same time. He was on the trail right in front of me and I froze, not sure if I should just keep running or wait until he passed. Also I had my music in like normal, but it didn’t sound right among so much nature, so most of my run I just ran in silence.  Just goes to show you that if you do something out of the norm, it brings you an unexpected experience.

Then I did some work on my Toes to Bar~ Doing EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) for 10 minutes. 3 TTB at the start of each minute.

200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)


The Crossfit open is upon us which is super exciting!! If you don’t know what that is click here! For the next 5 weeks I am on a team with a friend and we will be doing team open workouts on Friday evenings. At our Crossfit gym it is called Friday night lights and is a fun event. You are assigned a judge and it’s fun to see everyone in competition mode! This first one we actually have something going on a Friday evening (a super cool experience that I will share more about next week) so we will be doing our open workout on Monday.  So we have a different workout for today:

Class Conditioning. (It took me 14:43 & it was awful)
5 Rounds:
Bike 1k
15 Burpees

200 Double Unders (this is something that I am doing daily in the month of February, it’s part of a challenge at CFL)

I love my gym- Crossfit Lincoln, when you are there you are part of a larger community. I hope you have a gym you love! If you ever want to know more about Crossfit Lincoln- just ask. They offer a FREE class every Saturday morning at 9am!! Click here for more details. 

Thanks for stopping by! What are your fitness goals for this year? Remember- Just take one day at a time!

Faith ♥

****Anything I talk about regarding fitness, comes from my own personal experience, please consult with a doctor or professional before starting an exercise routine!

***Some of the links in my posts contain affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link. I pinky promise I will always give my honest opinion of any product and would never recommend something if I did not use it and love it!!

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